Partner login

Sealing Tool

Reach out to our online tool for sealing instructions for containers and trailers.


FreightInsight 2.0

New version with additional access to shipping documents, customisable data insights, detailed timeline and transport notifications.



Check the actual status of your shipments, the estimated time of arrival and many more via FreightInsight.


Charter portal

The charter portal provides transport partners access to transport planning, work instructions, orders and feedback.


Employee login


Tengio is the communication portal for Van den Bosch employees. Get connected!


Online Academy

Stay up to date on our latest procedures and e-learnings via our online Academy.


Citrix login

Employees can log in via a remote Citrix login. Receive your login via the ICT Service Desk.


Quality and safety
People, product and process

Quality and safety

As a leading logistics service provider, we set the standards in terms of quality and safety. Day in, day out. And it all starts with ourselves. Quality and safety have our constant attention and are the common thread through all our processes, innovations and working practices. It keeps us focused.

Quality management goes further than obtaining the right certificates. By means of audits, ratings and performance optimisation, we ensure that our processes and those of our partners meet the set quality level. Our employees play a crucial role in this. With training, exercises and the setting up of a working group, we ensure that quality and safety are woven into the DNA of our employees.

Smart container ideas
Going forward, we are taking steps to guarantee quality and safety with forward-looking concepts and smart innovations. Practical examples are ground-controlled tank containers which reduce the need to work at heights, and the Protection Outlet Box which helps us prevent contamination. Or the development of the Smart Load Units. We can track these smart containers in real time to give us live insights into the product temperature, for example.

Looking further
Good is never good enough when it comes to quality and safety. It can always be better. Together with our partners, we’re always on the lookout for new ways to improve which go beyond our daily activities. Using effective on-site concepts, we’re improving the logistics flow, while smart equipment innovations ensure a higher payload and fewer transport movements. In this way we lift quality and safety in the supply chain to a higher level.

Want to optimise your supply chain too?
Managing quality and safety well can bring many opportunities. Curious about what they are? Contact us and discover the possibilities.

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At Van den Bosch, we are happy to share our experience to improve the world of bulk logistics together. Please feel free to contact us with any challenge, question or request.

Changing the journey

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Van den Bosch Of shea butter
